Our Foundation appointed the Ambassadors
of the "All of Poland Reads to Kids" campaign.
The following renowned artists and media personalities
honoured us by accepting the appointments:
Ms Joanna Brodzik, Ms Teresa Lipowska, Ms Dorota Zawadzka and Mr Artur Barciś.

During the Grand Finale they vowed solemnly to support the activities of the Foundation and popularise the idea of reading aloud to children to the extent possible.
Joanna Brodzik
In her professional life she is an actress loved by the public. In her personal life – a mother of twins. She promotes the campaign about the importance of reading aloud to children by referring to her own family experience which is convincing for many Poles.
Reading to children triggers their imagination and endows them with basic values and cultural patterns.
Teresa Lipowska
She is an eminent actress who has supported our "All of Poland Reads to Kids" campaign for many years; she regularly reads to children in hospices and kindergartens. She added to the splendour of the award ceremony of the 2nd Astrid Lindgren Literary Competition by reading aloud passages of awarded works in an audacious manner.
It is wonderful to develop children’s imagination by reading good and interesting books to them.
Dorota Zawadzka
She is a child-rearing expert and an author of books on raising children; she is well-known for her participation in television programmes in which she solves problems of upbringing that occur in families.
She gives lectures at conferences organised by the Foundation.
By reading to a child we take them by the hand and lead them into this wonderful world that the pages of books reveal.
Artur Barciś
He is a theatrical performer and a movie actor. His participation in the Foundation’s projects and attitudes in life are supportive of the actions taken for the sake of children’s emotional well-being and the cultural education of the society guided by values.
By reading to your child you tell them more than you think.