„Educating through Reading“ and „Wise Child-Rearing“ lectures in the Czech Republic and Lithuania - our Foundation exports knowledge on effective methods
of raising children.
The knowledge on educating by reading and teaching values has spread abroad. The leaders of the “All of Poland Reads to Kids” Foundation (Cała Polska czyta dzieciom), Irena Koźmińska and Elżbieta Olszewska, were the key speakers at international conferences in the Czech Republic and Lithuania in April 2012. In these countries, non-governmental organizations have successfully implemented reading-to-children programs modeled on the “All of Poland Reads to Kids” campaign.
The Czech “Every Czech Reads to Kids” Foundation (Celé Česko čte dětem) organized the “Reading Makes Wonders” conference on April 13-14 in Ostrava. Participants of the conference were coordinators of the Czech reading campaign, teachers, psychologists and other individuals interested in the emotional health of children.
In Lithuania, the reading-to-children campaign has been implemented by the “The Little Prince” Foundation (Mažojo Princo Fondas) which organized the “All of Lithuania Reads to Kids – Educating by Reading” conference in Vilnius on April 23. The conference focused on the benefits of reading aloud to children and it officially inaugurated the “All of Lithuania Reads to Kids” program (Visa Lietuva skaito vaikams). The conference was attended by teachers, school principals, headmasters, librarians, staff members of educational and cultural institutions, professors and other people interested in reading.
Photo gallery from the conferences and Ostrava and Vilnius