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Quotes of the classics

  Drink me! Illustration by John Tenniel, 1865.

So many out-of-the-way things had happened lately, that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible.

Lewis Carroll,

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland



In a school year 2005/2006 a study was conducted by the evaluation center Ośrodek Ewaluacji on the effectiveness of the “Reading Schools” and “Reading Preschools” Program of the ABCXXI “All of Poland Reads to Kids” Foundation.
Description of a Study
The goal of the evaluation study was to determine the effects of reading aloud in schools and preschools participating in the program, and more specifically:
  1. Determining what achievements by pupils (especially in the field of language skills) are a result of conducting the program. It was important here to compare classes that participated in the program with classes that did not.
  2. Determining the factors that had an influence on the effects of the program.
  3. Formulating conclusions and recommendations that may be used to help improve the quality of the program.
The study covered 22 classes and preschool groups, each examined as a separate case. Classes and preschool groups selected included both those that participated in the program and, for comparison, those where the program was no conducted.
Download the abridged  version of the OE report (14 pages - in English)
   Download full OE report (over 200 pages - in Polish)
Project implemented with the financial support of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Website graphic design: Anita Głowińska; webmaster: Inforpol NET